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The downside of the mask ..

Whilst they are here to stay for now, how do we keep are skin reallly clean so bacteria does not breed underneath the mask? .. Ive put together some products that can help with that.

Clinicept is a fantastic spray I use in my work place, to keep the skin sterile.

It's a multi functonial mist.

Ive advised my clients who are constantly wearing masks to use this throughout the day, either spray onto the skin or directly onto your mask, before you put it on.

Neutral PH so will not irritate the skin.

Calms and soothes the skin.

Hypochlorus formula.

Antimicrobial protection.

Extremely effective in reducing breakouts, inflammation and minimising congestion on the skin.

I will be combining this spray with a pro sheet mask to soothe and hydrate the skin

The Clinicept package is arriving this week on my website... watch this space!! x

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